Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I want to put a ding in the universe.
Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is my hero. Not only is he the CEO of a multimillion dollar company, but a cancer survivor too. And a Beatles and Dylan fan. (Though I have also heard that Apple was named after his time spent in Oregon apple orchards.) I may be one of those crazy MacAddicts that some (uninformed IMHO) people, including my beloved Prince Charming, sneer at, but Apple keeps coming up with great products over and over again. Take the iPod. It has only been out a few years, and already it is taking over the music world. Everywhere you go - the airports, the commuter rails, the parks, the gyms - you see them. Hanging around someone's neck, or clipped to their waistband, or attached around their arm. I have a Mini and my daughter has a Nano. They are only a year apart in age, but what a difference a year makes. The Nano is cheaper, smaller, and more powerful than my Mini, and the screen is in color too! They were definitely the hot item of choice this past holiday season. My daughter wanted (and got) one, and PC's daughters wanted (and got) them too. I must admit to being a little jealous. When I was a teenager (or a tween like my daughter) they just didn't have stuff like this. I think Atari must have been THE thing back then. Boy, have we come a long way from Pong!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Mistress President: An American Oxymoron

Two people will never be President in my lifetime. A woman and a black.
Charles Evers

How backwards can the United States be!? Liberia, a struggling African country, has both a woman AND a black in their newly elected president, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. It's been more than twenty years since we saw Geraldine Ferraro's name on the Presidential ticket. Unfortunately, I think that Charles Evers is right. In the United States, the so-called mother nation of Liberia, female presidency remains a possibility only on a TV Drama, not even a TV Reality Show! Who is currently electable at this time? I don't think there is a woman in the political realm today who would appeal to the Middle America, red state, conservative population that currently holds the political reigns of our country. First lady Laura Bush said Monday that the swearing-in of Liberia's new leader - the first woman ever elected president in Africa - symbolizes a push to empower women worldwide. Perhaps, but how many of them will ever aspire to become a President? How many of them will even earn a comparable salary? How many of them will even get a decent education?


Thursday, January 12, 2006

Love and Regret

Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so.
David Grayson

"I LOVE YOU." Three simple words, but three very powerful words. I need to say these words to the ones I love much more often. I don't want my heart to be filled with regret because I did not make the effort. My grandparents (all but Grandmom) are gone, and even though they knew how I felt, I probably did not let them know often enough. My oldest daughter struggles with the pressures and pitfalls of teen (Or in her case tween) angst. Too often she hears anger or frustration or disappointment coming through my words, then she does concern or love or support. I need to make a pact to let her know that she is loved. Prince Charming is free with his expressions of love and support to me, and I appreciate it more than I let on. However, I am sure that he can be just as needy as me, so I need to make a concentrated effort to reciprocate. Not because I should or have to, but because I want to. My parents and friends need to hear it from me too. Particularly now that I am isolated here on the East coast. So I guess this is my New Year's resolution for 2006. Probably a much better one than trying to lose weight or exercise more. Although those are probably worthwhile goals, I think this one is much more achievable, and has better end results! (Though a pair of size 6 jeans wouldn't be so bad either!)
