I want to put a ding in the universe.
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs is my hero. Not only is he the CEO of a
multimillion dollar company
, but a cancer survivor too. And a Beatles and Dylan fan. (Though I have also heard that Apple was named after his time spent in Oregon apple orchards.) I may be one of those crazy MacAddicts
that some (uninformed IMHO) people, including my beloved Prince Charming, sneer at, but Apple keeps coming up with great products over and over again. Take the iPod. It has only been out a few years, and already it is taking over the music world. Everywhere you go - the airports, the commuter rails, the parks, the gyms - you see them. Hanging around someone's neck, or clipped to their waistband, or attached around their arm. I have a Mini and my daughter has a Nano. They are only a year apart in age, but what a difference a year makes. The Nano is cheaper, smaller, and more powerful than my Mini, and the screen is in color too! They were definitely the hot item of choice this past holiday season. My daughter wanted (and got) one, and PC's daughters wanted (and got) them too. I must admit to being a little jealous. When I was a teenager (or a tween like my daughter) they just didn't have stuff like this. I think Atari must have been THE thing back then. Boy, have we come a long way from Pong!