Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Good News / Bad News

Good and bad - this is the story of my life.
Martha Reeves

First, the good news. After being told that my job was being cut (enrollment is down), I got a new job at an award winning urban school. I will be teaching 3rd grade again too! (out of 19 years of teaching, I have taught either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd for 17 of those years).

Now the bad news. My mom's liver biopsy was confirmed. Although we all knew that it was probably cancer (spots like hers don't just appear for no reason), it is still hard to hear it confirmed. She had breast cancer a few years back, so now she goes to the oncologist on Friday to find out her course of treatment (and whether it is a NEW cancer or matastisized from the breast cancer). The thing that has me worried is she wasn't supposed to know the results of the biopsy until Thursday or Friday, and the oncologist called her today. Makes me think it might be worse then she portrays it to be.

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The Wicked Witch of the East

Ding-dong, the wicked witch is dead.
from "The Wizard of Oz"

Ah, if only that were the case. Unfortunately, she is alive and well and living in Massachusetts. She is PC's ex-wife. And she gives NEW meaning to controlling, visciousness, manipulating, self-centeredness, and lack of culpability. She is also the queen mother of PAS or parental alienation syndrome.

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Given my penchant for quotes, here are a few of her latest:

When asked why she continually circumvents the girls from seeing their father, she replied:
I DO feel very good about my parenting under the dire circumstances you placed us under! The proof is in the pudding!!

When asked why she called our house for the upteenth time (she once called 17 times in a 2 hour period!):
I have to wonder if Laury was lying as she often does about you being there, because I called your office and you didn't answer. I am in no mood to play games.

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