Play Ball!
The only real game - I think - in the world is baseball.
George Herman
Spring is here and baseball is in the air! Or in our case, softball! All three of the girls, even HyperBaby, are playing softball this year. That means my Saturdays are pretty much spent living at the field. So far the weather has held out, but it is only the first week. Last season was literally a washout considering how much rain we had. Hopefully this season won't be!
As far as the quote goes, I just HAD to choose that one. Why? Because I was lucky enough to have actually met the man behind the words. George "Babe" Herman lived next door to my piano teacher. I have many fond memories of going to his house before my lessons and hanging out with him. We didn't always talk about baseball, we discussed a lot of things. We talked about the dove with the injured wing that he had rescued. It used to sit on his shoulder while he was watering his garden. His wife would bring out lemonade and cookies while we chatted. He would often come to our recitals, and always had a positive word for every performer. He may have had a legacy in baseball, but his legacy for me will always be the kind old Mr. Herman who made waiting for piano lessons a whole lot easier.
Labels: Are we having fun yet?, The Way We Were