Sunday, October 15, 2006


I just think that there is very interesting stuff in the mundane.
Harvey Pekar

I love bubble wrap. There is something very cathartic about taking a sheet and twisting, wrenching, and tearing it all while listening to the various sounds that are emitted. I remember how my brothers and I would love it when a package arrived at our house. Not, mind you, for the treasure that might lie within, but for the bubble wrap. We used to fight over who would get the biggest sheet. We would also have contests as to who could pop the most the fastest, who could pop the loudest, and so on.

If you enjoy bubble wrap too, grab a sheet and let's see who can pop the fastest!

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Bad, Bad Blogger: The Excuses

Bad excuses are worse than none.
Thomas Fuller

I know, I know! It has been eons since I last posted, but life has been a bit hectic. (Though considering I have about 3 readers...) New school, new job, new class to set up. And I got hired THREE days before school started. Then my parents came to visit. Fun times had for all. Made me realize how much I missed the near constant contact I had back in California. Ah well, such is life. Then, the stupid router went out! No router, no internet access on the ole laptop. Aargh! So, no posts up til now. I have some ideas knocking about in my brain, so I will return to flesh them out in the very near future! Caio!
