Friday, March 17, 2006

License Laxity

Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.
Napoleon Hill

Procrastination is a disease. And have I got it bad. I am always waiting until the last minute, or conveniently forgetting. But it seems to always catch up with me, sometimes even biting me in the butt. Yesterday, one of my latest (and greatest) procrastinations did just that. I have been here in New England for about 8 months now, but I have yet to register my car and get a CDL,(which I finally figured out was a Commonwealth Driver's License...duh!) So yesterday I am tooling around in my soccer mom vehicle when a police officer starts following me. He followed me for at least a mile before pulling me over. Of course now I am a little worried because there is one detail I forgot to mention...that my CA tags on my plates have also expired. So Mr. Police Officer asks me if I knew that my tags had expired. "Yessir" I said, with my sweetest smile. I am embarrassed to admit that I played it dumb..."I have only lived here for a few months"..."No, nobody told me that you had only 30 days to register your vehicle"..."You know I have tried to get it registered, but everything here closes SO's nothing like California"..but I walked, no drove away with only a warning. I'm sure he was saying over and over in his head "Stupid Ditzy Blonde", but if it means no fine........Of course, that leads to the question of why has it taken me so long to get things switched over in the first place. Could it be that I am still trying to subconsciously hold onto any small vestiges of the life I left behind? least I will be able to keep my CDL, the CA one that is. I have two. One to replace the other one which I thought I had lost. Ok, I know I know. Can anyone say DITZ?


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