Saturday, February 25, 2006

Gotta Get Moving

I love cooking, I love reading, I love anything that doesn't take too much exercise!
Bea Arthur

I hate to exercise. I consider it one of the most boring things to do on the planet. Unfortunately it is a neccessary evil. And I need to do more of that evil. When I lived in California, I belonged to a gym and went regularly. It wasn't that much fun, but I did feel better after I went. I also had a trainer who was really good at motivating me to do "just 10 more!" I can still hear her saying "C'mon girl! You can do it!" Now that I am here in New England, I have turned into a schlump. I need to go do something about, but I am at a loss about where to begin. I'd like to go to a gym, but don't know if I can because of finances. Doing anything outside is a bust because it is so damn cold! Plus, I really am not the athletic type so if I tried any sport, the only exercise I would get is chasing wayward balls. So what's a girl to do?


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