Monday, February 27, 2006


Everyone I know has attention deficit, and they say it with great pride. It's a bad time to be right.
Joni Mitchell

So it has been three months since I was first diagnosed with A.D.D. My doctor put me on a drug called Wellbutrin that is supposed to elevate my mood and help me focus better. However, I don't think it is quite working the way that it should. When I take it (and I don't always remember to take it) my mood is definitely uplifted. I am also able to see things from a clearer perspective. And THAT is the problem. Pre-A.D.D. I knew that I was kind of scattered, kind of cluttered, but I was able to get through life in a somewhat absent minded fog. I was, some might say, the classic ditzy blonde. Now post-A.D.D. I am taking the meds and everything is definitely clearer. However, it only seems to illuminate every fault and every flaw. My blissful oblivion has become a woeful cognizance. My clutter has become chaos. My lack of focus has become an excess of distraction. I have traded in delight for distress, contentment for resentment. I can't seem to get anything under chores, my schedules, my temper, even my laundry. Everything seems overwhelming and unmanagable. I almost welcome my once complaisant absentmindedness. It is better than my current self-deprecating cognizance.



At 8:06 PM, Blogger Laury said...

Thanks Jane. I have lots of support from friends and family (though you wouldn't know it from all my ranting), but it is always nice to have more! It is also nice to know that I am not the only one out there....


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